31 mai 2010

Coup de coeur!

On est allé voir "Le Plan B" au ciné hier... et j'ai adoré! Le film est très, très drôle et super mignon, et Jenifer Lopez est juste magnifique! Je bavais (au sens figuré, bien sûr) devant le stylisme créé pour son personnage: sexy et cute à la fois, des robes à se damner, des chaussures à pleurer de dépit, arf! Mais tout en restant toujours très crédible et juste, ce que j'ai apprécié car c'est plutôt rare je trouve... A voir!!!
We went to see the movie "the backup plan" to the theater yesterday - was a backup plan for us too, but it turned out to be a really nice & funny movie! And Jenifer Lopez is just beautiful and they made an awesome style for her, i adore!

 Did i mention there is a very, very yummy man in it? Ok, so now you know ^^

30 mai 2010

Outfits of the week

Le temps oscille toujours entre hiver et été, d'où la différence "d'épaisseurs" d'une tenue à l'autre!

26 mai 2010

Week-end review!


un ptit post vite fait parce que sinon je sens que le récit de mon w-e va cette semaine encore passer à la trappe faute d'update dans des délais raisonnables ;)
That's a late w-e review, but a w-e review anyway, and that's quite a miracle!

J'ai commencé vendredi soir par une petite virée shopping en sortant du boulot, pour réaliser un investissement qui a son importance: les flip-flops de l'été. Finalement, après avoir passé 4 magasins, je me suis décidée pour une paire d'argentés avec des fleurs (non mais en fait c'est joli ^^ c'est celles que je porte avec ma tenue de samedi dans mon post précédent), et des toutes simples noires avec une boucle argentée. En fait ça m'a un peu saoulé, je n'ai pas vraiment trouvé de modèle qui me plaise, et pourtant ce n'est pas faute d'avoir écumé les magasins...
Le samedi après être allée déjeuner chez mes parents, re-shopping, je voulais trouver une veste ou un cardigan pour mettre avec une robe que j'ai trouvé chez Bershka la semaine dernière. Impossible de trouver de veste ou de blouson en jean, j'étais affligée. Finalement je me suis rabattue sur un cardigan tout simple de chez Camaieu, c'est pas du tout ce que je cherchais au départ mais finalement c'est peut être un mal pour un bien, ça donne un petit coté preppie-geek assez funky que j'aime bien.
La robe + le cardigan + moi dedans ça donne donc ça:
(vi je sais, j'aurais pu être top-model au Téléachat tellement je suis désarmante de naturel fufufu)
Et cette photo m'offre une transition parfaite pour vous dire que le soir nous sommes allés avec des amis au JapanSun, un festival ambiance japonisante à coté de Montpellier. Comme on est des fous, on avait décidé d'aller à la first nocturne ever du JapanSun, avec concert de J-rock et tout et tout.
C'était assez... raffraichissant. J'ai eu l'impression d'être très, trèèès vieille d'un coup, et d'avoir un gros, grooos problème avec l'alcool quand on m'a annoncé que pour l'apéro y'aurait le choix entre Orangina ou Coca XD, mais hormis ces petits détails c'était plutôt sympa. On a pu faire quelques battles de DDR que ça faisait longteeemps, et Retsugo, le groupe franco-japonais de J-rock, a bien assuré. Les musiciens ont fait crier les amplis, et le cutie-chanteur-japonais les spectatrices des premiers rangs, donc rien à redire ;) Par contre omg il faisait vraiment froid, le contraste total avec la journée caniculaire, ce qui fait que l'on n'a pas trainé dès le concert fini.
Et le dimanche, j'ai fait plein de trucs passionnants comme du ménage, du rangement, du lavage, du repassage et le dégivrage intégral de mon réfrigérateur... et puis je suis quand même allée profiter un peu de la plage, une fois le soleil un peu moins haut dans le ciel, bronzage d'endive oblige.
Et c'en était déjà fini de mon w-e :(

So what about my w-e? On Friday evening and Saturday, shopping, new flip-flops for this summer, and a cardi to pu with that yellow dress i bought @Bershka last week. I could not find any denim jacket, ain't it crazy? I mean, denim jackets are the kind of clothes that never really get out or on fashion... anyway, with that navy blue cardigan, my dress looks a bit preppy, and i like it :)
On Saturday night my friends & I went to JapanSun, a Japanese culture oriented festival that takes place once a year in the neighborhood. There was a cool J-rock concert by a french-japanese band called Retsugo, and the night went real fun as we started realizing that we were sort of the oldest in the crowd and that they weren't selling booze anywhere lol ^^ So we decided that playing it dumb would be a good substitute to alcohol, and would keep us warm against the freakin cold & wet night.
And finally i shared my Sunday between chores and a little tour to the beach at the end of that very, very hot day. W-e should never be two days only, that's not enough.

Ok, je parle trop, et il se fait tard pour moi... je vais aller dodoter, le reste de ma life de fouliiie attendra le prochain post!!

24 mai 2010

Outfits of the week

Still wondering whether my happy face on Friday & Saturday pix come from the nice weather, or the fact i'm in w-e...

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20 mai 2010

Couleurs bonbon


Uhuhuh ça y est l'été est arrivé!!! à nous les robes, shorts et débardeurs, je commençais à croire qu'on devrait faire une croix dessus cette année! Et c'est dingue comment le temps peut influencer notre humeur, depuis jeudi et l'apparition du soleil j'ai l'impression d'avoir plus d'énergie que le petit lapin Duracell :D
Summer seems to have finally decided to come to our place too! today i could finally wear a summer dress without risking pneumonia. I just luv it, that makes me extatic!

L'été, le soleil, les oiseaux qui chantent et tout ça, moi ça me donne envie de couleurs sorbet-macaron acidulées, et d'oublier au fond de mes placards le noir, le gris et autres teintes un peu sobres tristounettes.

Is that summer coming, the sun shining and all that make me fancy so much candy colors those days? Since a few days i'm forgetting any notion of chromatic sobriety!

Je cherchais depuis un moment un bon casque audio (je bosse en open space, donc paradoxalement pour être au calme rien de mieux que de pousser la musique à fond :D), mais je n'arrivais pas à me décider: je voulais un truc un peu girly, mais quand même un minimum discret, qui ne fasse pas trop "ado" mais soit plutôt stylé, et que je puisse utiliser aussi bien au taf que dans le bus ou en ville. J'ai immédiatement craqué quand j'ai vu cette petite merveille de chez Panasonic!!! Le coté rétro, la couleur marshmallow, tout y est! Si Amazon et la Poste assurent, il devrait être sur mes oreilles dès mardi prochain :)

I totally definitely fell in love with those lovelies by Panasonic - that should be in my mailbox by the end of next week :) It was a long time since i was looking for headphones, but i had hard time finding some that were both stylish and efficient. I'm glad i've been patient on that one, it was worth the effort!

Et ces sneakers de la nouvelle collec Onitsuka... j'adore j'adore j'adore! Je sais déjà exactement avec quoi je les porterais s'ils étaient miens muahahah... le seul hic, c'est qu'apparemment ils ne les ont qu'à la boutique de Paris :( Et nous les provinciaux alors, on n'a pas le droit de s'habiller? tss tss tsss, saipabien ça. Bon j'étais sur le point de faire mon deuil, quand... on m'a dit que y'avait ptet moyen de moyenner via un réseau parallèle (mais totalement licite, je précise!). Je croise les doigts et j'attends!!

And wouldn't those sneakers by Onitsuka be perfect for summer? With denim short or dresses, slightly unlaced for a cooler look... I want them so badly! The terrible thing is that in France they are selling only in Paris shop :(
I hope they can send them to me, or i can order them online... or should i plan a trip to Paris just for them??



18 mai 2010

Asian poses - so much fun i can already tell!

Love this fun site AsianPoses - i can already imagine the crazy hours camwhoring with my gurlz trying every single pose hihihi!!!

16 mai 2010

Long week-ends rock

Let's imagine. Four days just for you. Four days of doing nothing but what u want. Gosh, that was rad, i wish it could be like this every week! I swear i would not get tired of it EVER.

Those blessed days were spent watching movies - including a, sorry to say, lame & so very disappointing Robin Hood by Ridley Scott, and the beautiful, sensitive A Single Man by Tom Ford -, going to the hair salon to have my bangs finally cut decent, and my length sadly cut faaaar too short to my taste, eatin out with friends, drinkin a bit too many cocktails with friends, cleaning and orderin my place on a rainy morning, "building" with my mum a new dress she's sewing for me, and happy crafting

Some cards - those always come useful

, and twin layouts, one will go to Paris for my friend Melanie, the other will remain here in my house - love thinking that we will have complementary LO to remember that funny night we spent all together.

Well, a pretty nice week-end, now i'm back to my usual routine... and just can't wait for my next vacations: in about 15 days i'll be in Granada with one of my favorite chicas!



12 mai 2010

The all-in-one post

An all-in-one post is the kind of post you obtain when you resume blogging after a long time, and you realize that you have many, totally inconsistent topics to talk about. The kind of post that makes you swear to yourself not to leave your blog alone for too long in the future.

* The weather here is awful. Like non-stop awful. Like November awful. I've never seen that in my whole (short) life. Who stole Spring this year? I feel like i will never have the occasion to wear strapless tops, flip-flops and sundresses again EVER. I'm thinking of turning my terrace into a rice field, as i'm not any close of using it for sunbathing...
* Tonight with some friends i had planned to attend a giant outdoor party on a public square, organized through Facebook. Before we even had a chance to join, rain was falling heavier than ever. Fail.
* But, despite this, good news is i'm on week-end already! Tomorrow is national holiday in France for Ascension, and the company gave us the Friday off. So grateful for that.
* Because as i'm fighting (pretty lamely, actually) insomnia those days, i'm freakin exhausted - but still totally unable to sleep. So with some chance with this long w-e i'll be able to cope at daytime for my lack of sleep, somehow.
* I can't wait to be on June. On 4th i'm flying to Granada, Spain, visiting my flamenco mate Marina who's over there studying. I'm so so so excited about it, i already know we will have an unforgettable time. And it's coinciding with Granada's feria too! I definitely feel so lucky.
* I have been good at scrapbooking this week, but with that hell of a weather no way i could take decent pictures... so i borrowed my brother's camera, that is far better than mine, this way maybe i finally have a chance to show what i've made so far.
* Today, i have learned that ducks are able to sleep one eye wide open. Because the two sides of their brain are totally independent, and the left side can take rest while the right side is on guard. I guess i won't be able to show off with that info too often, so i thought i'd rather put it there.
* My place is a mess. Not a disaster mess, but a mess anyway. Another thing i have to do this week-end (sighs).

That's all for tonight, i will try to get some sleep... but i'll be back very soon, learning from my errors!


5 mai 2010

Vintage Blue & Kioshi

Yesterday i received some scrap stuff i ordered online, mostly papers, as usual (i can't place a scrap order or visit a scrap store without buying patterned paper, which is quite funny knowing that i end up using cardstock 80% of the time!!)

So in my parcel was plenty of the "Vintage Blue" collection by We R Memory Keepers. Awesome! patterns, textures, colors... i love everything! And i like the bright idea of those "4 squares" papers, 12x12 sheets that you cut to obtain actually four 6x6 papers, all different - perfect for creating mini albums. Can't wait to scrap them!! They're definitely cute & vintage-styled, i was thinking about using pictures of my parents in their young days with them, i'm sure it would definitely suit the style.

I had also ordered some of the papers from Basic Grey's Kiyoshi collection: pastel sweet, delicate and modern at the same time, would go perfectly with some baby pix!

In next post i'll try to show you a mini-album i made using the coptic book binding technic... a first try for me, but it worked great!



3 mai 2010

That's how things go, they say

Past week has been tough, and heavy. On Wednesday, my family and i said a last goodbye to my grandma, who had not waken up that morning. She had a peaceful and simple departure, just the way she liked.
After the numbness of the first moments, i am now feeling super energetic (hmm, maybe a bit too much even, as that's 4.30 in the morning and i cannot sleep any longer...), completed or started more scrap and craft projects than i did since i've been back from Beijing... that is already 4 months ago. Gosh. Time flies.

I finally received my China Glaze polishes and... they're just exactly perfect! the nicest colors, and a far better quality than all the polishes i've ever bought here, i think i'm hooked! My only problem now is to decide which color i would be wearing that week, and that's a terrible, terrible dilemma, believe me.

I also cooked and baked a lot this week-end, just like every time i'm feeling worried or upset :)
Tried for the first time ever a japanese tofu curry, ended super easy and super yummy. That's a new classico for sure.

It's too late, and above all i'm too lazy, to post pix of the craft projects i did this week, so that post will remain a boring blahblah post only, sowwwwy dears! heading to my bed trying to get a bit more sleep for this night.



PS: the sleep won't be easy, i've just noticed it's now raining and winding like hell outside... looks like this year spring will NEVER come to us!!